(Click covers to enlarge)

Over The Fence: A Neighbor's Memories Of Elvis
Erwin, Sara (1997)

The King's Press , Memphis (TN)
paperback , 70 pages , 21.6 x 13.5 x 0.5 cm , 0.124 kg
ISBN-10: 0-9659265-0-8 , ISBN-13: 978-0-9659265-0-8

Category: Memoirs and memories
Language: English
Description: Sara Erwin was a neighbor at Graceland, in a house adjoining the grounds behind Graceland.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : ElvisBooks

This book has been rated by 5 person(s), 5 of them have read this book.
Their average rating is 7.8.
Their comments:

" The author was able to put on the paper everything she had learned about being Elvisīs neighboor since Elvis purchased Graceland till the day he passed way - in a very pleasant way which makes you feel involved meantime. I loved the book and I strongly recommend. Her stories and memoirs are sometimes funny but most of all they are remarkable. Jacquie Ulmo "

" nice story's "

" Nice book, i bought an autographed copy they sell in the shops across the road from Graceland, just 1 point short of nancy the Cooks book a 6. MB. "

(Rates and comments received between November 2, 2002 and March 12, 2014)
(Rates and comments do not necessarily express the views of ElvisBooks)

Tuesday, 04 June 2024 ; Elvis Presley: A Life in Books © 2002-2024