(Click cover to enlarge)

Catalyst: The Sun Records Story
Escott, Colin ; Hawkins, Martin (1975)

Aquarius Books , London (UK)
paperback , 173 pages
ISBN-10: 0-904619-00-1 , ISBN-13: 978-0-904619-00-3

Category: Discography
Language: English
Description: The story of Sun Records, a recording studio located in Memphis, Tennessee, where Elvis Presley, among others, recorded many of his big early hits in the 1950's. Other artists were Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, etc. It is often credited as being the place where rock and roll was born. Later, it moved to Nashville, Tennessee. Includes an extensive section of vintage b/w photographs showing Presley and other artists early in their careers.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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