(Click covers to enlarge)

She Woke Up Married
Macpherson, Suzanne (2008)

Little Black Dress , UK
paperback , 312 pages
ISBN-10: 0-7553-4324-7 , ISBN-13: 978-0-7553-4324-9

Category: Novel
Language: English
Description: Paris James totally expected to wake up in Vegas with a hangover after her thirtieth birthday. Waking up married to Elvis, however, was most definitely not part of the plan. The King (A.K.A Turner Pruitt - Elvis Impersonator and old school friend of Paris's) thinks that it's fate they've hooked up and got hitched after all these years. Paris thinks it's a big mistake - no matter how much of a hottie Turner's become. But then she's been running away from everything for years. Perhaps it's time to finally let someone love her tender...
Source: Amazon.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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