(Click covers to enlarge)

Elvis: What Happened?
Dunleavy, Steve ; West, Red ; West, Sonny ; Hebler, Dave (1988)

Ballantine Publishing Group , New York (NY) , 13th Ed.
paperback , 332 pages , 17.4 x 10.6 x 2.2 cm , 0.174 kg
ISBN-10: 0-345-30635-X , ISBN-13: 978-0-345-30635-7

Category: Memoirs and memories
Language: English
Description: No description
Source(s): Cover and info : ElvisBooks

This book has been rated by 15 person(s), 14 of them have read this book.
Their average rating is 4.3.
Their comments:

" At the time this book was written, Elvis Presley had maintained an impeccable image throughout the world and to his millions of fans. This book by his former friends and employees sought to shatter that image, and in the process, the man himself succumbed to his weaknesses. This book has a tawdry, sensationized edge to it, albeit poignant because it was written and released shortly before Elvis's death. I'm sure that gave it incredible sales. If you're into the whole drugged out Elvis scene, this is the book for you. Otherwise, don't bother. M from TN "

" Wish it was printed one year before Elvis died. It might save him!! "

" i am glad i don't have friends like those...who needs them?...poor elvis "

" The book that killed Elvis in the end pretending to save him. Red did what he could and his testimony is sometimes moving. Sonny and Dave did express their frustration and anger. And Dunleavy did what he could to make Elvis look grotesque and mean and heartless and overall crazy and frightning. This book was meant, they said, to shock Elvis's consciousness and help him along the way. It did shock him. For good. "

" I maybe overmarked this at 9 because of the historical value but I bought and read it at time when I knew little about Elvis, Red Wests involvement and low profile post 77 add credence to the book for me. MB. "

" I think this book is a junk read and these guys should be ashamed.Elvis loved them guys and the feel of betrayal killed him.If anyone was undr a microscope like elvis I'm sure we all would have a problem looking perfect.This was a cash grab and nothing else I found it disgusting and there still writing books and like a lot of people still living off elvis they should get out and get a real job!! It's terible the way this poor man is being exploited today I hope he is in a better place.God rest his soul. "

" Red West even lied about that last phone call with Elvis! Jerry Osborne transcribed the taped conversation which is quite different in its overall impression to what Red made out of it. "

(Rates and comments received between November 2, 2002 and March 12, 2014)
(Rates and comments do not necessarily express the views of ElvisBooks)

Tuesday, 04 June 2024 ; Elvis Presley: A Life in Books © 2002-2024