(Click covers to enlarge)

Elvis Presley Songs
Durzu, Marco (2024)

Independently published
hardback , 455 pages , 28 x 21 x 3.2 cm
ISBN-13: 979-8-3202-2739-9

Category: Discography
Language: English
Description: This book is dedicated to the complete list of Elvis Presley's Songs in alphabetical order, 898 songs in total. For each song is reported: the authors of the song and the date in which Elvis Presley recorded the song, the reference to the film in which Elvis Presley sang the song, if the song belongs to the soundtrack of an Elvis Presley film, or upon first publication (on single disc, extended play or album) in all other cases, the lyrics. All in alphabetical order and indexed. Also released as paperback and Kindle editions as well as an Italian version of each of them.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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