(Click covers to enlarge)

Elvis, Man And God
Hough, Estelle (2023)

Independently published
paperback , 330 pages
ISBN-13: 979-8-3877-2878-5

Category: No category
Language: English
Description: There really is only one thing that needs to be said here: The only reason you are not mesmerized by Elvis Presley is because you don't know enough about him. If you are new to Elvis, this book is for you. If you are a long-standing fan, you may be surprised, this book is also for you. Links are provided to YouTube videos. Writing in normal script is true as far as can be ascertained by cross-referencing biographies, memoirs, interviews and videos about Elvis. Script in italics is sometimes based on truth, sometimes fantasy. Expect some hagiography and spiritual references – they are difficult to avoid when dealing with Elvis. An Elvis favorite quote: 'Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free'.
Source: book back cover.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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