(Click covers to enlarge)

Long White Limousine: A Novel Based On Actual Events
Pauli-Barlos, Brigitte (2022)

Independently published
paperback , 378 pages
ISBN-13: 979-8-4867-7419-5

Category: Novel
Language: English
Description: Novel based on the life of the 'King of Rock'n'Roll' - Elvis Presley, highlighting the era from 1969-1977. While the names of all who are directly involved in this story have been changed to protect the innocent as well as the guilty, the story is factual. Times and dates have been altered in some cases, while the locations and historic venues all reflect the actual places. The story begins in 1969 and ends with the main character's untimely death in 1977. It describes the King's struggles with an addiction to fame as well as prescription drugs, a problem so many of us battle today. It also delves into the strange, strained and often destructive relationship with his manager through the years. The narrative follows Jimmie, El's guitar player, who keeps a diary of events from his perspective until 1974. Jimmie and the author are convinced that foul play caused El's untimely death and that he would have lived a longer, more healthy and happier life if his manager, his numerous physicians and sidekicks had not abused his trust. The reader will meet the real person behind the image, seen through the lens of a neutral observer who eventually befriended El and was deeply concerned about him.
Source: Amazon.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

Tuesday, 04 June 2024 ; Elvis Presley: A Life in Books © 2002-2024