(Click cover to enlarge)

The Gospel According To Elvis
Crouch, Kevin ; Crouch, Tanja (2007)

Bobcat Books Ltd. , London (UK) , reprint
paperback , 264 pages
ISBN-10: 1-86074-655-1 , ISBN-13: 978-1-86074-655-0

Category: Quotes
Language: English
Description: The Gospel series celebrates inspirational artists through quotes, biographical anecdotes, photos, memorabilia, and other miscellany from their life and work. This is a new gist on an old favorite. Organized into six thematic sections - Life, Love, Success, Family, Work, and Friendship - The Gospel According To Elvis is a reflection of Presley's life in his own words. A complete biography and discography is also enclosed.
Source: book back cover.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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