(Click cover to enlarge)

Memphis Mystery (Requim For Elvis) - Part I
Smith, Major Bill (1987)

LeCam Publications , Fort Worth (TX)
paperback , 147 pages
unknown ISBN

Category: Death, conspiracy, sightings
Language: English
Description: An exploration of the possibility that Elvis faked his death and disappeared. The text consists of 'a few ideas from the author about what Elvis's life would have been, or perhaps is, after death' (cover text).
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

This book has been rated by 3 person(s), 3 of them have read this book.
Their average rating is 8.7.
Their comments:

" Interesting book by a record producer (Paul & Paula) ... there are 3 separate editions - vol 1, 2 & 3, with slightly different titles. "

" Sorry, had to look it up - Pt. II published in 1990, and Memphis Mystery (Elvis...The Man And The Myth) in 1992 and 1993 (different editions, # pages). All softcover. Very rare as you had to order them direct from Major (don't leave off the Major - he went by that name everywhere). "

" I am Kelli.I lived this story with the Major.It was my suggestion to search Elvis out,we did.We found him.People can say what they want to.Unless you live it,you can't judge it.I lived it.The major died in "94".what I experienced through this story was real.I stood and talked to Elvis in 1986 and had numerous phone conversations with him. I treasure E's friendship. Thank You, Kelli "

(Rates and comments received between November 2, 2002 and March 12, 2014)
(Rates and comments do not necessarily express the views of ElvisBooks)

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