(Click cover to enlarge)

Elvis Presley Em Estúdio 1953-1976
Cecon, Waldenir (2024)

Elvis Presley's World Fan Club , Brazil
paperback , 330 pages

Category: Discography
Language: Portuguese
Description: Elvis was one of the greatest singers of our time. During his successful career he recorded hundreds of songs, and since 1956 these recording sessions were being released, even after his physical death in 1977. His record company, RCA, recorded everything in his sessions, including all the takes necessary to reach the ideal , and so, year after year, these alternative takes are practically released - whether on official or pirated CDs. This book details all the studio sessions that Elvis did. Dates, times, number of takes of each song, the CDs where these songs and takes are located (more than 300), all detailed with cover, back cover and image of the disc. This is the black&white version.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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